PAP Research Methodology

Madison Ragan
2 min readApr 4, 2021

I’m very interested in mental health and wanting to better ourselves, as it betters our society as a whole, I’m focusing specifically on the improvement of mental health through psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. I also love art and think it can impact people in more ways than one, so I’d like for an educational art exhibit to create an opportunity for people to make a positive first-or-new perception of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and how it can be a breakthrough way to helping people feel better. In order to further represent and attempt to visualize this conceptual exhibition space, I want to use the Panoform VR application to mockup what this space would look like if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic. This way people of all ages and usability can explore and experience the potential of this space right through their phones. Ideally, this space could be used by people of all ages, as it’s an educational and immersive experience, but I think it would be most impactful for those who are interested in learning about mental health awareness and exploring the world of psychedelics. To see how this space would be introduced, I created a journey map of a user interested in bettering themselves just finding out about the exhibit, as well as a persona/journey map of a skeptical user going through the space. I designed promotional posters and info cards that could be displayed for the exhibit, and I plan on posting them on Instagram, along with the Panoform sketch and mockups of the exhibition walls in the room, followed by an open chat with my followers to see what interactions, thoughts, and opinions they have with this concept. From these research methods, I hope to learn more about my potential audience and what they would like to see more of in this show. Through this, I’ll be able to adjust my designs and continue to refine my material for my senior show presentation.



Madison Ragan

Student and Graphic Designer at University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, AR.